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Visual Markup Chrome Extension

About This Project

Webremarks is a google chrome extension that allows people to markup websites with visual feedback so developers can make changes easier. It helps accelerate the time to resolve an issue in a team environment among developers, designers, and project managers.

Why We Built It

Our team tackles hundreds of tasks every day. Like many companies, we have a thorough testing process to ensure the quality of the product. Many problems, however, are hard to document in writing. The lack of clarity can sometimes create a large backlog. Even basic screenshots do not adequately explain the problem. In both cases, misunderstandings can happen during this process. Either there is not enough background information for developers to recreate the issue, or it’s unclear what the exact problem is.

Problems Found By Testing

During testing, we noticed that the first version of the product is relatively easy to understand for an internal team member, but if a client outside the company submits a request, they are not familiar with our development process and can submit tickets incorrectly. A platform that can distinguish internal and external tasks becomes necessary.

To solve this, we introduced a dashboard that includes all the projects in the company. On the dashboard, besides the internal comments, the project manager can specifically browse the comments from the external side. Then, the project manager can decide whether to request more details of the comment or push the task to JIRA for a developer. 

User Testing

We recorded how users behave when using the extension. The first issue we realized was that it took 4 steps for a project manager to read the comments from an outside group. Also there is no quick access to summarized data on the dashboard. We decided whenever a PM logs in to this dashboard, a greeting modal would list recently submitted tasks. The PM can then decide to push the task to JIRA at this stage instead of going into each project one by one.

Additionally, we found out when the company gets involved with a large number of projects and users, the dashboard needs a layout to structure different sections neatly. We separated the projects by active projects and archives, including a search bar to shorten time. We moved the users to an individual tab section with search and invite features.


Throughout the process, we started with a simple product solving a single problem. As we keep iterating, we are refining the product to make it more efficient for all types of users. With each additional problem solved, we get closer to the main vision of this product.

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